Make Up Artist
I won a prize in a raffle held at Butterflies Beauty Retreat The prize was a make up lesson. I had no idea what to expect. It turned into the most amazing afternoon with Elaine Searston – Make Up Artist It was just, well… wow!

Watching her work
I have always had an interest in make up and being a girl of the 60s I wore it a lot! Socket lines, white lipstick, eyeliner – you name it! I so wish that I could create the look I want without looking like ‘mutton dressed as lamb – or worse… a clown!’ The moment I met Elaine I knew she had the skills for the job. So, with a hand-mirror I watched as she worked her magic.

Her very own make up studio
Elaine has her own make up studio at her house near Worksop, North Nottinghamshire. She welcomed me into her Aladdin’s cave of cosmetics, brushes and mirrors. It was a jaw-dropping moment – taking a step into another world. I sat in her client’s chair and as she had asked me to take the make up I use along with me, we looked at each item and talked about how I used it. I explained that I had got to the age where I felt almost invisible. Gone are the days when I might turn heads. I told her that I struggled with eye make up because of my hooded eyelids. She convinced me that this should not be a problem.

Stay ahead of the game
As she got to work, we chatted and she told me that there were tricks that could be used to shape the face and camouflage problem areas. It soon became clear that Elaine knows what she’s talking about and is also very good at what she does. She has her favourite products too and although she doesn’t sell cosmetics she will happily recommend – one of her favourite brands is Charlotte Tilbury . Elaine likes to keep up to date with what’s happening in the industry and visits the trade shows and exhibitions, picking up information and learning about new products in the process. And of course sharing hints and tips with other make up artists along the way.

A face map
She explained everything that she did and why she was doing it. She told me about every brush and why she used it and not only that but she wrote everything down onto a face map for me. I could take this away with me to follow and (to try) to recreate my new look for myself. This would be a challenge and it will take practice but I will certainly give it a go.

The make up bug
Some years ago she worked on the beauty counter at Boots and I think that’s where she originally got the ‘make up bug’. One thing led to another and before she knew it she was a fully qualified Make Up Artist with a regular gig at the West Retford Best Western Hotel However, her workload has increased to the point where she can no longer maintain the time spent there. I get the feeling that she will always have a soft spot for West Retford and their door will always be open to her. She also lectures on the subject at Retford College and regularly lets students accompany her to appointments for the experience.

A growing portfolio of delighted brides
She has tended to many nervous brides and bridesmaids on their big days, which is a huge responsibility. But Elaine is clearly very experienced and passionate about what she does. And she is very good at putting her clients immediately at their ease, making every one of them instagrammable.

Confidence is the key
Despite all the creams, shadows, lipsticks and pencils Elaine firmly believes that the most important element of make up is ‘confidence’ which comes from within And she is right too but having Elaine to do your make up for you first would give you a head start in that department. She is a little miracle worker! I left her studio feeling like a million dollars.

A session with Elaine costs £40 and gift vouchers are available